F[I]ght [Can]cer Ride Info
This event is planned to be a challenge to the riders. The 260km route is litter with rolling hills and the total elevation of 2700m will prove painful. It will give us a small window into the pain and hardship faced by the patients .
Training rides will be planned to prepare us for the event.
ParticipantsAll riders have to setup a fundraising page with GiveAsia.sg. Instructions to setup the page is below. Each rider need to raise a minimum sum to join.
Ride Details
Date : 07 January 2017 Time : 6am to 6pm Distance : 260km
Start Point : To be confirm End Point : To be confirm
Route : Download Route GPX File here
View route map for Fight Cancer Ride - Kluang on plotaroute.com
Instructions to Setup GiveAsia.sg1. Go to https://give.asia/movement/fightcancerride2017
2. Click on "Fund Raise"
3. Need to key in
- Your Movement Title (Can follow our title or your name)
- Category "Sports"
- Your story (Can follow our main story)
4. Banner and Youtube - Our photo is in the banner https://youtu.be/Y-7mqqjGnzE
5. Charity Choices - Touch Community Services (Singapore)
6. Share the URL page and start fighting cancer!!